High School College Visit

On Thursday, November 5th all East-West High School students will visit a college in New York, New Jersey or Connecticut. Students will have a tour of the campus and have the opportunity to speak with college admissions counselors. Please remind your student to turn in the permission slip no later than Wednesday, November 4th. Students must bring lunch and snacks and must arrive on time for muster.


您好! 這星期四,十一月五日,所有高中生將拜訪在紐約,紐澤西或康州的大學。學生將隨大學輔導員參觀校園並詢問有關大學之事。請提醒您的孩子最遲在星期三,十一月四日交回家長同意書。學生們必須在八點前自帶午餐及點心於禮堂集合。如果您錯過此消息的任何部分,請查閱學校網站,學校網址是www.ewsis.org. 謝謝您! 晚安。