
  • Fall 2023 Parent Teacher Conferences will be held virtually on November 16th (evening) and November 17th (afternoon). Follow the link and the instructions to schedule with your child's respective teachers. Pictures are included for your convenience, at the end of the attached document; the dates in the document are from previous years, but the instructions are the same.

    If you have any questions or concerns, please contact

    Booking Link:

    2023 年秋季家长教师会议将于 11 月 16 日(晚上)和 11 月 17 日(下午)以虚拟方式举行。 按照链接和说明与您孩子各自的老师进行安排。 为了您的方便起见,图片位于所附文档的末尾。



    Las conferencias de padres y maestros de otoño de 2023 se llevarán a cabo virtualmente el 16 de noviembre (por la tarde) y el 17 de noviembre (por la tarde). Siga el enlace y las instrucciones para programar con los respectivos maestros de su hijo. Se incluyen fotografías para su comodidad al final del documento adjunto.

    Si tiene alguna pregunta o inquietud, comuníquese con

    Enlace de reserva:

    Publication Period: 
    Wednesday, March 2, 2022 to Friday, March 18, 2022
  • The PTA are hosting a wonderful opportunity for a Defensive Driving Course that will take place on Saturday, March 12, 2022. If you have your Driver's License, this driving course will not only save you money on your insurance, it can also reduce some points on your record! The PTA will be having a short meeting at 9:30AM with a light breakfast immediately before the driving course begins! The first 25 people to be registered can attend for FREE; these attendees must also be present for the PTA meeting.

    If you are not one of the first 25, the price will be $60 and maximum capacity is 40 people. If you are interested, please contact me so I can register you. 

    If this date does not work for you, a second Defensive Driving Course will be on April 2, 2022.

    If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Arielle Campell, Parent Coordinator:

    这封电子邮件提醒您,PTA 正在为将于 2022 年 3 月 12 日星期六举行的防御性驾驶课程提供绝佳机会。如果您有驾照,此驾驶课程不仅可以为您节省保险费用,它还可以减少您的记录中的一些分数! PTA 将在上午 9:30 举行一次简短的会议,并在驾驶课程开始前享用清淡的早餐!前25名报名者可免费参加;这些与会者也必须出席 PTA 会议。
    如果您不是前 25 人,价格为 60 美元,最多可容纳 40 人。如果您有兴趣,请与我联系,以便我为您注册。如果此日期不适合您,第二次防御性驾驶课程将在 2022 年 4 月 2 日举行。


    Publication Period: 
    Wednesday, March 2, 2022
  • Good Evening, This is the East-West School calling with an important announcement.  Monday, January 31st and Tuesday, February 1st school is not in session.  All students should return to school on Wednesday, February 2nd.  If you have missed any portion of this message, please visit our website at

    Thank you and have a pleasant evening.



    晚上好,这里是东西方学校的电话,有一个重要的通知。 1 月 31 日星期一和 2 月 1 日星期二学校不上课。 所有学生都应在 2 月 2 日星期三返回学校。 如果您错过了此消息的任何部分,请访问我们的网站

    Wǎnshàng hǎo, zhèlǐ shì dōngxī fāng xuéxiào de diànhuà, yǒu yīgè zhòngyào de tōngzhī. 1 Yuè 31 rì xīngqí yī hè 2 yuè 1 rì xīngqí'èr xuéxiào bù shàngkè. Suǒyǒu xuéshēng dōu yīng zài 2 yuè 2 rì xīngqísān fǎnhuí xuéxiào. Rúguǒ nín cuò guò liǎo cǐ xiāoxī de rènhé bùfèn, qǐng fǎngwèn wǒmen de wǎngzhàn

    Xièxiè nǐ, zhù nǐ yǒu gè yúkuài de yèwǎn.


    Buenas noches, Les habla la escuela East-West con un anuncio importante. El lunes 31 de enero y el martes 1 de febrero la escuela no está en sesión. Todos los estudiantes deben regresar a la escuela el miércoles 2 de febrero. Si se ha perdido alguna parte de este mensaje, visite nuestro sitio web en

    Gracias y feliz tarde.

    Publication Period: 
    Monday, January 31, 2022
  • Good Afternoon, This is the East-West School calling with important information about our November SLT and PTA meetings today, November 30th.  The SLT meeting will begin at 5:30 pm and the PTA meeting afterwards at 6:30 pm.  Links to both meetings will be e-mailed to you directly and can also be found on the East-West calendar.  Thank you and have a pleasant day.  If you have missed any portion of this message, please visit our website at

    Buenas tardes, esta es la llamada de la escuela East-West con información importante sobre nuestras reuniones de noviembre, SLT y PTA de hoy, 30 de noviembre. La reunión de SLT comenzará, a las 5:30 pm, y la reunión de la PTA, luego, a las 6:30 pm. Los enlaces a ambas reuniones se le enviarán por correo electrónico directamente y también se pueden encontrar en el calendario Este-Oeste. Gracias y que tengas un buen día. Si se ha perdido alguna parte de este mensaje, visite nuestro sitio web en

    下午好,今天(11 月 30 日),这是东西方国际学校的重要通知,提供有关我们 11 月 SLT 和 PTA 会议的重要信息。 SLT 会议将于下午 5:30 开始,之后的 PTA 会议将于下午 6:30 开始。 两个会议的链接将直接通过电子邮件发送给您,也可以在东西方学校日历上找到。 谢谢你,祝你度过愉快的一天。 如果您错过了此消息的任何部分,请访问我们的网站

    Publication Period: 
    Tuesday, November 30, 2021
  • Veteran’s Day and Parent-Teacher Conference
    November 9, 2021
    Good Evening,
    This is the East-West School of International Studies calling with an important reminder. School will be
    closed on Thursday, November 11 th in observance of Veteran’s Day, also there will be a half day of
    school on Friday, November 12 th for virtual Parent-Teacher Conferences. Students will be dismissed at
    11:23 am on Friday. Thank you and have a pleasant evening. If you have missed any portion of this
    message, please visit our website at

    Este es el llamado de la Escuela de Estudios Internacionales East-West, con un recordatorio
    importante. La escuela estará cerrada, el jueves 11 de noviembre en observancia, del Día de
    los Veteranos, también habrá medio, día de clases, el viernes 12 de noviembre, para
    conferencias virtuales, de padres y maestros. Los estudiantes saldrán, a las 11:23 am el
    viernes. Gracias y que tengas una agradable velada. Si se ha perdido alguna parte de este
    mensaje, visite nuestro sitio web en
    这是东西方国际学校的一个重要提醒。 学校将于 11 月 11 日,星期四为纪念退伍军人节而关闭
    ,11 月 12 日,星期五将有半天的学校日进行虚拟家长会。 学生将于周五上午 11:23 放学。 谢谢
    你,祝你有个愉快的夜晚。 如果您错过了此消息的任何部分,请访问我们的网站 www.ewsis

    Publication Period: 
    Tuesday, November 9, 2021
  • P-EBT Background

    Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer (P-EBT) is a temporary federal food benefit program for families to buy food to make up for school meals that were missed while students were enrolled in remote/blended learning.
    Benefits can be used anywhere EBT/SNAP are accepted, including most retail food stores and farmers markets.

    P-EBT is for ALL NYC public school students regardless of family income or immigration status. P-EBT applies to any school participating in the National School Lunch Program, including private, pre-K, charter, and religious schools. P-EBT is not a public charge.

    There is no application for P-EBT, it is issued automatically.

    For More Information

    P-EBT 背景
    疫情電子福利轉帐 P-EBT 是一項臨時聯 邦食品福利計畫,供家庭購買食品,以彌補 學生在遠端/混合模式學習期問錯過的學校 餐食。福利可以在任何接受 EBT/SNAP 的地方使用,包括大多數零售食品店和農貿 市场。

    P-EBT 面向所有紐約市公立學 校的學生,無論家庭收人或移 民身份咯何。 P-EBT 適用於任何参與 National School Lunch Program(全國學校午餐計畫)的 學校,包括私立學校、學前班、特許學校和 宗教學校。P-EBT 不属於公眾負擔。

    P-EBT 無需申請,自動發放。


    Publication Period: 
    Friday, November 5, 2021
  • PTA Emergency Election Meeting October 2021 Update

    Good evening Parents , this is the East West School of International Studies calling with an important message. We will have an emergency virtual PTA executive board member election meeting on Tuesday, October 5th, 2021 at 6pm. During this meeting we will vote for a new PTA President, Treasurer, and Secretary. We welcome all new and current parents. Any parent or guardian can nominate someone or themselves to run for PTA executive board members. Please check your email for a Zoom Registration Link to sign up to vote. You will then receive a Zoom meeting link to join the meeting to vote on October 5th. We look forward to seeing you there. Thank you and have a pleasant evening!

    各位家長晚上好,這是東西方學校打來的一個重要訊息。 我們將於 2021 年 10 月 5 日(星 期二)下午 6 點召開緊急虛擬 PTA 執行委員會成員選舉會議。 在這次會議中,我們將投票 選出新的 PTA 會長、財務主管和秘書。 我們歡迎所有新父母和現任父母參加。 任何家長或 監護人都可以提名某人或他們自己來參選 PTA 執行委員會成員。 請檢查您的電子郵件以 獲取 Zoom 鏈接註冊投票。 然後,您將收到一個 Zoom 會議鏈接,並於 10 月 5 日加入會 議投票。 我們期待在那裡見到您。 謝謝你,晚安!

    Buenas noches, padres, este es el llamado de la Escuela de Estudios Internacionales East West con un mensaje importante. Tendremos una reunión virtual de emergencia para las elecciones de miembros de la junta ejecutiva de la PTA el martes 5 de octubre de 2021 a las 6 pm. Durante esta reunión votaremos por un nuevo presidente, tesorero y secretario de la PTA. Damos la bienvenida a todos los padres
    nuevos y actuales. Cualquier padre o tutor puede nominar a alguien oa ellos mismos para postularse como miembros de la junta ejecutiva de la PTA. Consulte su correo electrónico para obtener un enlace de registro de Zoom para registrarse para votar. A continuación, recibirá un enlace de la reunión de Zoom para unirse a la reunión para votar el 5 de octubre. Esperamos verlos allí. ¡Gracias y que tengas una agradable

    Publication Period: 
    Friday, October 1, 2021
  • Please join us during any of the 3 virtual sessions listed below to meet our team! Check your email for meeting links.  

     请在下面列出的 3 个虚拟会议中的任何一个中加入我们,与我们的团队会面! 检查您的电子邮件以获取会议链接。

    ¡Únase a nosotros durante cualquiera de las 3 sesiones virtuales que se enumeran a continuación para conocer a nuestro equipo! Revise su correo electrónico para ver los enlaces a las reuniones.

    Session Time

    Family Night Meeting Options

    5:00 PM, 

    6: 00 PM & 7:00 PM

    Meet the Grade Teams 

    • 6th Grade Team + Japanese 

    • 7th Grade Team + Korean 

    • 8th Grade Team + Chinese

    • 9th Grade Team + Health/PE 

    • 10th Grade Team + Arts 

    • 11th Grade Team

    • Senior Parent Workshop (First 2 sessions ONLY) 

    5:30 PM,  

    6:30 PM & 

    7:00 PM

    Meet the College Readiness & Support Teams

    • AP Course

    • Diverse Learners: Special Education & English Language Learners 

    • Parent Coordinator 

    • MS Guidance: HS Admissions Process

    • HS Guidance: HS Graduation Requirements

    Publication Period: 
    Wednesday, September 29, 2021
  • Good evening, this is the East-West School of International Studies calling with an important message.This is a reminder that all schools will be closed tomorrow, Thursday September 16 for a religious holiday. School will reopen on Friday. Thank you and have a pleasant evening.

    晚上好,這是東西方國際學習學校的一個重要信息。提醒您,所有學校將於 明天,即 9 月 16 日星期四為宗教假期關閉。 學生將於週五返校上課。 謝謝 您並祝您有個愉快的夜晚。

    Buenas noches, este es el llamado de la Escuela de Estudios Internacionales East-West con un mensaje importante. Este es un recordatorio de que todas las escuelas estarán cerradas mañana, jueves
    16 de septiembre por un feriado religioso. La escuela reabrirá el viernes. Gracias y que tengas una agradable velada.

    Publication Period: 
    Wednesday, September 15, 2021
  • Good Evening, This is the East-West School of International Studies callingwith an important message for our middle school and high school students.
    Middle School students should report to the school building on Monday, September 13th at 8:03 and line up on the ramp of the auditorium, Juniper entrance, to pick up your program.
    High school students should report to school at 8:03 and line up on Colden Street using the lobby entrance to pick up your program.
    Please make sure that your child completes the health screening survey before entering the building.
    Thank you and have a pleasant evening.

    晚上好,這裡是東西方國際學習學校打來告訴初中生和高中生一個重要信 息。
    初中生應於 9 月 13 日星期一, 早上 8:03 到校報到,並在學校邊門Juniper Ave 入口處排隊領取課程表。
    高中生應於 早上8:03 到校報到,然後在 Colden Street 學校正門入口排隊領 取課程表。
    謝謝您, 並祝您有個愉快的夜晚。

    Publication Period: 
    Thursday, September 9, 2021
