DOE Remote Learning Parent Survey

Remote Learning Survey for Parents - Please complete by next week

Good Morning, This is the East-West School of International Studies calling with an important message. The New York City Department of Education is asking that all parents and guardians complete the remote learning survey, by next week. The results will help the DOE make improvements to remote learning. All parents are encouraged to have their voices heard. The survey will be posted in all languages later this week on the DOE website. Any parent who would like to complete the survey in their home language, should check back on Thursday for the translated survey. Parents may also take the survey by calling 311. Thank you for your participation and support. A link to the survey can be found on our East-West website. If you have missed any portion of this message, please visit our website at 

早上好,這是東西方國際學習學校打來告訴您一個重要的訊息。紐約市教育局要求所有 父母和監護人在下週之前完成遠程學習調查。結果將有助於教育局改進遠程學習。鼓勵 所有父母發表自己的意見。該調查將在本週晚些時候會將所有語言發佈在教育局網站 上。任何希望以母語完成調查的父母都應在星期四再回來查看翻譯語言的調查。家長也 可以撥打311完成調查。謝謝您的參與和支持。您可以在我們的東西網站上找到該調查的 鏈接。如果您錯過了此消息的任何部分,請查閱我們的網站,網址是 

Publication Period: 
Tuesday, April 21, 2020