Attendance and Lateness

2024-2025 School Attendance Policy


East-West recognizes that attendance is vital to students' academic progress and success. 


Daily Attendance and Lateness

  • Students are expected to be present and on time for school each day.

  • The school day starts at 8:00 AM each day for all students who do not have a Zero period class.

  • Any student who arrives after 8:05 AM will be marked Late on attendance records.

  • The school day for students who have a zero period class starts at 7:25 AM.

  • After 8:30 AM, students must first report to the Main Office to have their attendance recorded.


When Your Child Is Absent

  • NEW: Parents/guardians should send an email to (the email must come from a parent.)

    • Include student legal name, reason, date of absence

  • When a child is absent or late to school, parents will receive an automated phone call from our school messenger system the same day. Parents should keep their phone number updated with the school.

  • Every absence counts, and excused absences are still absences. An absence note is required for the school to document an absence as an "excused absence.” Families should continue to have their child submit absent notes to the Main Office after returning to school.


Remote Learning due to School Closure:

  • If school buildings are closed due to heavy snow or other emergency, a phone blast to families and an announcement on our website will direct all students to shift to Remote Learning.

  • On emergency Remote Learning days, all students should visit the Google Classroom for each of their classes for posted synchronous and asynchronous learning.


Period Attendance and Lateness

  • Students are expected to be on time to all classes and late students must sign a late log.

  • If a student is in school but does not attend a particular class (and has not been excused from attending that class,) the student is considered absent/cutting for that class.


Chronic Lateness to School:

School staff will ensure that appropriate outreach, interventions, and supports are provided for students with patterns of absences and lateness.

  • Deans will intervene when a student is excessively late. Dean interventions may include conferences with the student, family conference, referral to the student’s grade level teaching team, referral to Guidance and or Administration, exclusion from clubs, sports, trips and other extracurricular activities, and detention.  
  • Repeated lateness to school will result in afternoon detention, in addition to other interventions. Any missed detention needs to be made up. Two missed afternoon detentions may result in a Saturday detention, in addition to other interventions and consequences.