We are now affiliated with Amazon's School Rewards Program. Support our fundraising goals by clicking on our unique link with Amazon.com to make all your purchases. You will still be able to use your own login and personal account to shop, the only difference is that our school code will be embedded in the link. This school code lets Amazon know that you were referred to Amazon.com through the East-West School of International Studies.
Our school will have the opportunity to receive up to 15% in referral fees for any purchases that are made on the Amazon site. Please note referral rates will vary depending on the compensation plan, purchase volume and product categories. By shopping Amazon.com through our school's unique link and sharing this unique link with family and friends, you are helping us raise necessary funds to support our students through scholarships and needs based request.
If you have any questions regarding this, please email contact@ewsis.org for more information.
Thank you.