Talent Show

February 12, 2014
Good Evening, this is the East-West School of International Studies calling with an important announcement.  Our Talent Show is scheduled for Thursday evening, February 13th at 6:00 pm.  All students will be dismissed at regular time.  Only those students performing will be permitted to stay in school.  Doors will open at 5:45 pm for those holding a ticket.
Thank you and have a pleasant evening.
If you have missed any portion of this message, please visit our website at www.ewsis.org.

您好! 這裡是東西方國際學習學校打來告訴您一個重要的訊息,學校才藝表演秀定於星期四,二月十三日,晚上六點舉行。所有學生下課時間照常。只有參加表演的學生准許留在學校。有購買入場卷的人於下午五點四十五分開始入場。如果您錯過此消息的任何部分,請查閱學校網站,學校網址是www.ewsis.org.  謝謝您! 並祝您有個愉快的夜晚。