8th Grade Mandatory Meeting

8th Grade Mandatory Meeting

January 30, 2015


Good Evening, This is the East West School calling with an important reminder for 8th grade parents and students.  We will be hosting a mandatory meeting on Tuesday, February 3rd at 6:00 p.m. to discuss the upcoming events for your 8th grader.  If you have missed any portion of this message, please visit our website at www.ewsis.org.  Thank you and have a pleasant evening.


您好! 這裡是東西方學校打來提醒八年級的家長及學生們。二月三日,星期二,晚上六點,有一個您必須要出席的會議”討論有關八年級近期重要事宜”。如果您錯過此消息的任何部分,請查閱學校網站,學校網址是www.ewsis.org. 謝謝您! 晚安。