Dear Teachers,
If I had to sum it up in a nutshell, my ten most basic expectations would be:
- Ensure the students are always safe.
- Teach the best lessons you possibly can.
- Teach with love, patience, and understanding.
- Constantly assess the progress of all students and use this data to inform your instruction.
- Expect respectful behavior from all students and understand students grow along a continuum. Give second chances.
- Reach out to parents and colleagues as partners.
- Integrate literacy, discussion and technology into your lessons wherever possible.
- Celebrate students.
- Prepare students to work in a global world in jobs that may not exist yet.
- Strive to enjoy the small accomplishments in life.
However, I know that we won’t always be able to discuss expectations as a group, and that many of us come from other schools where things were done differently. I’d like to think that here at East-West, we do things differently.
I have an open door policy and am always interested to speak with you and our students, and to listen to concerns, requests, and feedback. I love talking to you and supporting you so that you can teach our students. Let me know how I can support your teaching and learning.
I wake up each morning and think about how I can make everyone’s day easier and yet still accomplish even a fraction of the minutia that gets dumped on me from above. I don’t expect perfection from anybody but I do expect growth in a positive direction.
I am so proud of the work you do with our students.