
The next PTA meeting will be on Saturday, November 4, 2017

at 10 AM in the Cafeteria

Title 1 Meeting will immediately follow

Ms. Saikin, our School Mental Health Specialist and Ms. Rogan, our School Social Worker, are holding a workshop for families that wish to improve communication with their child.

The workshop will be held virtually, on Zoom. We hope you are able to join us Friday, June 17, 2022 from 8:15AM-9:00AM. 

Please see the attached flyer for Zoom call information.

我们的学校心理健康专家 Saikin 女士和学校社会工作者 Rogan 女士正在为希望改善与孩子沟通的家庭举办研讨会。

研讨会将以虚拟方式在 Zoom 上举行。 我们希望您能够在 2022 年 6 月 17 日星期五上午 8:15 至上午 9:00 加入我们。

有关 Zoom 通话信息,请参阅随附的传单(英文)。

This Friday, September 15th is First Friday.

Come join your child at school between 8:00 a.m. – 9:45 a.m.

Come observe your child, take a peek into our classrooms and see what we are learning.  

We will also give you the opportunity to have “Tea and Talk” with our Principal.