
  • Dear East-West Parents, Guardians and Staff,

    As a result of our PTA Expedited Election, we are pleased to announce that Ms. Sharlene Tillett is our new PTA Vice-President.

    Furthermore, the Parent Teacher Association (PTA) will hold its next General Membership meeting on Saturday, February 1 at 10:00 a.m.  Our meeting will begin with a light breakfast buffet followed by the business portion of the meeting.  In honor of the Lunar New Year, we invite all parents and staff to bring a small dish representing a HOLIDAY TREAT FROM YOUR NATIVE COUNTRY that can be shared and enjoyed by all at our meeting.

    The PTA and Principal, Mr. Sherman, and Assistant Principals, Ms. Bradsher and Mr. Chang, will present up-to-date news and information concerning the school.

    One important item on this month’s agenda is the PTA’s expedited nomination and election for School Leadership Team (SLT) Parent membership.  Due to changes in the SLT By-laws and some personal issues, we suddenly find that we have two open positions. We will open the floor for nominations for this position at this upcoming meeting and hold the election at our March meeting.  If there is anyone interested in running for this position or would like more information, please email us at  You must be present at this meeting to accept the nomination and run for office.

    We will also be voting on whether to recommend canceling classes for Middle School during the June Regents week to accommodate testing needs.

    And finally, we always allow plenty of time for a question and answer period so that the concerns of our parents can be addressed by the school administration.

    If you are willing to share a Holiday treat, please  email us at .to let us know what you will be bringing to share.

    Thank you for your continued support and participation.  We look forward to seeing you on Saturday, February 1, 2014.


    PTA Executive Board

    East-West School of International Studies

  • Regents Exams for high school students will take place the week of January 27 to January 30. If your child is taking a Regents exam, he or she will receive an exam invitation in school.

    If your child is not taking any of the Regents exam, and is a high school student, he or she does not have school during Regents week.

    There is also no school for ALL high school students on Friday, January 31 and Monday, February 3, 2014.

    Middle school students will be in attendance during Regents Week.

  • January 2014 Regents Week


    This is the East-West School of International Studies calling with an important message.
    Regents Exam for high school students will take place the week of January 27 to January 30. If your child is taking a Regents exam, he or she will receive an exam invitation in school.
    If your child is not taking any of the Regents exam, and is a high school student, he or she does not have school during Regents Weeks.  There is also no school for ALL high school students on Friday, January 31 and Monday, February 3, 2014.  

    Middle school students will still be in attendance.  If you have missed any portion of this message, please visit our website at Thank you and have a pleasant evening.


    Buenas noches, esta es la escuela East West de Estudios Internacionales llamando con un importante recordatorio.  Los examines del estado para estudiantes de secundaria se celebrara la semana de enero 27 a enero 30.  Si su nino esta tomando un examen, el o ella recibiran una invitacion examen en la escuela.

    Si su hijo no esta tomando alguna de los examenes del estado, y es un estudiante de secundaria, el o ella no tienen escuela durante la semana de los examenes.  Estudiantes de secundaria no tienen escuela el Viernes, 31 de enero de 2014 y el lunes, 3 de febrero de 2014.  Los estudiantes regresan a la escuela, martes, 4 de febrero de 2014.

    Estudiantes de escuela media siguen en escuela presents.  Si has perdido alguna parte de este mensaje, por favor visite nuestro sitio Web  Muchas gracias y que tengan una tarde agradable.


    您好! 這裡是東西方國際學習學校打來提醒您一個重要的訊息。紐約州高中會考(Regents Exams)將於一月二十七日, 二十八日, 二十九日, 三十日四天舉行。

    三十一日及二月三日,高中生不必到校上課。如果您的孩子需要參加這個考試, 學校將會通知您的孩子。這段期間所有初中生照常上課。

    高中生將於二月四日,星期二,返校上課。如果您錯過此消息的任何部分,請參閱學校網站,學校網址是謝謝您! 並祝您有個愉快的夜晚。

  • Our next PTA meeting will be held this Saturday morning, January 11th at 10:00 AM.  All parents and guardians are cordially invited to attend. 

    The morning will begin with a light breakfast buffet. The business portion of the meeting will offer informative news for parents.

    We will be holding an expedited election for PTA Vice President so please, come and let your voice be heard. If you are interested in running for PTA Vice President please contact the PTA at our email address: and we will put your name on the ballot.

    The meeting will also include reports from our Principal, Assistant Principals, and other staff members.  As always, we will provide plenty of time for a question and answer period. 

    Please join us for this informative meeting.

  • JAN 2014 PTA

    January 9, 2014




    Good Evening, This is the East-West School of International Studies calling with an important reminder.  Our next PTA meeting, will be held this Saturday morning, January 11th at 10:00 AM. All parents and guardians  are cordially invited to attend. The morning will begin with a light breakfast buffet. The business portion of the meeting will offer informative news for parents. We will be holding an expedited election for PTA Vice President, so please, come and let your voice be heard. If you are interested in running, for PTA Vice President, please contact the PTA at our email address:  and we will put your name on the ballot. It will also include reports, from our Principal, Assistant Principals, and other staff members. And as always, we will provide plenty of time for a question and answer period.  Please join us for this informative meeting.  If  you have missed any portion of this message, please visit our website at Thank you and have a pleasant evening.


    Hola. Este es la escuela East-West llamando  a recordarle  que nuestra próxima reunión de PTA se celebrará el sábado, 11 de enero a las diez de la mañana.  Todos los padres y tutores están cordialmente invitados a asistir. La mañana se iniciará con un ligero desayuno buffet. La empresa parte de la reunión ofrecerá noticia informativa para los padres. Vamos a celebrar una elección acelerado por la PTA Vice presidente así que, por favor, venga y haga que se escuche su voz. Si está interesado en ejecutar por la PTA Vice presidente, por favor póngase en contacto con la PTA en nuestra dirección de correo electrónico: y vamos a poner su nombre en la papeleta. También se incluirán los informes de nuestros principales, los Subdirectores, y otros miembros del personal. Y, como siempre, nos proporcionará un montón de tiempo para un periodo de preguntas y respuestas. Por favor, únase a nosotros para la presente reunión informativa. Si ha perdido cualquier porción de este mensaje por favor visite nuestro sitio web en Gracias y tenga una buena noche.


    您好! 這裡是東西方國際學習學校打來提醒您,下一個家長教師協會會議是在這個星期六,一月十一日,早上十點。我們誠邀所有家長和監護人來參加。我們並備有簡便自助早餐。會務部分將提供有益訊息給家長。我們也將快速選出家長教師協會的副會長,所以,請來讓我們聽聽您的心聲。如果您有興趣此次的選舉,請與家長教師協會聯絡,電郵地址是 我們會把您名字放於選票上。會務內容也將包含校長,副校長們及其他工作人員的報告。與往常一樣,我們也會提供給大家答問的時間。請一起來參與這個會議。如果您錯過此消息的任何部分,請參閱學校網站,學校網址是 謝謝您! 晚安。

  • English

    East-West is proud to invite you to our first ever Afternoon of Dance show next week on Friday, Jan. 10 at 3:30.  All 6th graders and High School Dance classes will be performing! Get your tickets now before they sell out! Tickets are only $5 and, if you buy 3, you can get the 4th one free! Your child may purchase tickets for your family in the Cafeteria before Muster or at lunch time. Please email Ms. Brainsky with any questions at, and we look forward to seeing you at 3:30 next Friday!


    Buenas Noches, esto es la escuela East-West llamando para invitarle a nuestra primera tarde de Danza la próxima semana, el Viernes 10 Ene a las 3:30. Los alumnos del grado seis y los alumnos de escuela secundaria  de baile se realiza! Compre sus boletos ahora antes de que se venda! Las entradas están a sólo $5, y, si usted compra 3, usted puede obtener la 4ª uno gratis! El niño puede adquirir entradas para su familia en la cafetería antes reunir o a la hora del almuerzo. La Sra. Brainsky, envíe un correo electrónico con cualquier pregunta a , y esperamos verte a las 3:30 el próximo viernes!


    您好! 東西方很榮幸地邀請您參加我們下星期五,一月十日,下午三點三十分舞蹈秀首演。表演者是所有六年級學生及高中舞蹈班學生。請儘快在入場券售空前購票。每張票價為五元。買三送一。您的孩子可於學校早餐及中餐時間在餐廳購票。如果您有任何問題,請電郵Ms. Brainsky ,電郵地址是, 我們期待能在下星期五,下午三點半能見到您。

  • December 2013

    Dear Eighth Grade Families,

    As we plan for the end of the school year, we would like to celebrate your children.  Many of their memorable moments will be captured in upcoming events.  Eighth grade dues of $75 will be used to cover the Stepping Up Ceremony, yearbook, t-shirt, and a souvenir.  The Stepping Up Ceremony is scheduled for June 12, 2014 from 8:30 AM to 11 AM.

    Dues must be paid by or before January 10, 2014.  Payments will be collected by Mrs. Esposito in Room 429B.  Checks should be payable to the East-West School of International Studies.  Be sure to write the student’s name and class on the check.

    As we continue to plan the eighth grade events, details will follow in letter and phone messaging format.  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Mr. Diaz, Guidance Counselor, Mrs. Esposito, Community Assistant, or Ms. Bradsher, Assistant Principal.


    Ms. Bradsher

    Assistant Principal

    Please complete and return the slip below.  In order for dues to be accepted, students MUST bring the slip with their dues by January 10, 2014.

    Click here to print copy of 8th Grade Letter to Parents

  • December 19, 2013


    Good Evening, This is the East-West School of International Studies calling with an important announcement.  Report cards will be distributed to students tomorrow, Friday, December 20th.  Grades are available on Pupil Path as well.  School will be closed for break from Monday, December 23rd to January 1st.  School will resume on Thursday, January 2, 2014.  Have a wonderful holiday and a Happy and Healthy New Year.  If you have missed any portion of this message, please visit our website at Thank you and have a pleasant evening.


    Buenas tardes, este es la escuela East-West llamando con un anuncio importante. Las calificaciones se distribuirán a los estudiantes mañana, viernes, 20  de diciembre. Los cursos están disponibles en pupil path . Escuela estará cerrada por vacaciones desde el lunes, 23 diciembre al 1 de enero. Escuela se reanudará el jueves, 2 de enero, 2014. Tenga una maravillosas vacaciones y una feliz y saludable Año Nuevo. Si usted ha perdido cualquier parte de este mensaje, por favor, visite nuestro sitio web en Muchas gracias y que tenga una buena noche.


    您好! 這裡是東西方國際學習學校打來告訴您一個重要的訊息。

    成績單將於明天,星期五,十二月二十日發給學生。您也可上學校網站pupil path查看。學校因放寒假將從星期一,十二月二十三日到一月一日關閉。學生將於星期四,二零一四年一月二日返校上課。

    如果您錯過此消息的任何部分,請查閱學校網站,學校網址是 祝願您有個健康快樂的假期。謝謝您! 晚安

  • Picture Day

    January 2014


    Good Evening, This is the East-West School of International Studies calling with important information.   Photo Day is scheduled for Tuesday, January 7th for Middle School Students and Wednesday, January  8th for High School Students.  

    Please have your child wear their school uniform.  Both individual and Advisory photos will be displayed in our yearbook.  Please make sure to send your order form and payment in with your child on their scheduled day.  

    Thank you and have a pleasant evening.   If you have missed any portion of this message, please visit our website at


    Buenas noches, esto es la escuela East-West llamando con información importante Foto Día está el martes 7 de Enero para estudiantes de escuela intermedia y el miércoles 8 de enero para los estudiantes de la Escuela Secundaria. Por favor, haga que su niño use su uniforme escolar. Las fotos de su niño solo  y las fotos de la clase se mostrarán en nuestro anuario. Por favor asegúrese de enviar su formulario de pedido y pago con su hijo en su día. Muchas gracias y que tenga una agradable velada. Si usted ha perdido cualquier parte de este mensaje, por favor, visite nuestro sitio web en



    學校已定於星期二,一月七日為初中生照相日以及星期三,一月八日為高中生照相日。請讓您的孩子穿著校服照相。個人照及團體照將都會在畢業紀念冊裏。請在指定照相日當天讓您的孩子帶著訂購單及訂購金額到校。如果您錯過此消息的任何部分,請查閱學校網站,學校網址是 謝謝您! 並祝您有個愉快的夜晚。

  • IEP Workshop Cancellation

    December 10, 2013


    Good Afternoon, This is the East-West School of International Studies, calling with a very important announcement.   The I, E, P, Workshop, scheduled, for this evening, December 10th has been cancelled, due to inclement weather.  We will be in touch, with a new date.  Thank you, and have, a safe evening.   If you have missed any portion of this message, please visit our website at


    Buenas tardes, esto es la escuela East-West, llamando con un anuncio muy importante. El  I, E, P, reunión, programado para esta tarde, 10 diciembre ha sido cancelado, debido a las inclemencias del tiempo. Estaremos en contacto, con una nueva fecha. Muchas gracias, y que tenga una buena noche. Si usted ha perdido cualquier parte de este mensaje, por favor, visite nuestro sitio web en


    您好! 這裡是東西方國際學習學校打來告訴您一個重要的訊息。由於天氣惡劣,今夭,十二月十曰晚上的個別教育計劃會議取消。新的會議日期會另行通知。如果您錯過此消息的任何部分,請查閱學校網站,學校網址是 謝謝您! 祝願您有個平安的夜晚。
